Tuesday, 29 November 2016

DA2: Mini Militia Epic Gameplay [How To Play] {Making People Leave}

In this post you all get a video gameplay of mini militia by me. check out the youtube link below... click on Mini Militia .... LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE!!                                                              > Mini-Milit...

Monday, 8 December 2014

Hacking/Modding Android Games To Get Unlimited Resources

Welcome all! I represent you all again a new article by me on how to hack or mod android games and get unlimited resources for the game! Stay tuned ! THIS ARTICLE IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY, I DON'T SUPPORT EXPLOITING GAMES AS IT IS ILLEGAL. So, readers you might think while playing a android game that the resources like coins,gems etc given are very low, and what if you could drive them crazy and get them with no limits? Yes,you can get if you just follow what I say here.. :) But keep in mind many games save your user data to their server and it is not possible to hack that games,for hacking those server oriented games I will...

Sunday, 7 December 2014

USB (Pendrive) Auto Hack- Facebook-Gmail-Twitter And Many More!

Hacking through USB/Pendrive to find out the victim's password of Facebook,Gmail,Twitter and other important Data? You are in right place !! 😜 Please Note,This guide is for educational purpose only,Exploiting someone's persnol data is illegal.I,However don't support these stuffs. Hello my readers, while surfung the internet I came across this amazing USB hacker (Application), Which can help you get the passwords and other important data of victim's computer or laptop. This application has been made by Rossepstein, all the credits goes to him :) So,lets get started, First let me explain you all how this application will help...

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